Here at Baylor University

A new office, a new computer (a nifty Dell Latitude XT tablet PC–my apologies to those who were thinking I might jump to another platform), a new job, a new address–if it’s news you want, then it’s news I’ve got. I won’t get to all of them (yes, “news” used to be plural) in this blog post, but at least I can send up a flare to let you know I’m fine and settling in.

What am I settling into? Baylor brought me here as founding Director of the new Academy for Teaching and Learning. It’s a major strategic initiative that many good people here have helped to realize after many years of planning and hoping. The Academy, and the position I occupy within it, testify to their vision and persistence. That I’m the one fortunate enough to set the program in motion is a very exciting and humbling turn of events.

The Academy exists “to enhance teaching and learning and to promote the scholarship of teaching and learning,” thereby helping Baylor to “demonstrate its historical commitment and ongoing support for excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service” and “to be a leader in the important national dialogue about the roles of teaching and scholarship.” The Academy for Teaching and Learning also figures-forth an important part of Baylor’s mission: “At the same time, Baylor’s ATL will be a tangible representation–to alumni, potential students, and other stakeholders–of our commitment to excellence in the integration of teaching, scholarship, and service.” (I’m quoting from the executive summary of the strategic proposal that was approved.)

When I saw the job ad, from the word “Academy” (a refreshing departure from the more usual “center”) to the way the position had been framed (75% admin, 25% faculty responsibilities–yes, I will be teaching) to the breadth and integration of the Academy’s portfolio (scholarship of teaching and learning, integration of information technologies into teaching and learning, serving as a University focal point for conversations about teaching and learning and faculty development generally), I was very taken by the possibilities of a position touching so many areas at the heart of the University’s mission. That it was a brand new program was also exciting. That there were many great programs already in place to support and encourage deep and serious engagement with teaching and learning was also impressive.

So here I am.

More importantly and more to the point, here you are. All of you from whom I have learned so much, and from whom I continue to learn just as fast as I can. You who have encouraged me, helped me understand what I can do better, kept me thinking and dreaming big when the small things one must (and often should) sweat pull my chin down and my focus too close. I bring to this job what you have shared with me. I bring my yearning for real school, my experience both painful and exhilarating, and my keen appetite for “wanton heed and giddy cunning.” Most of all, I bring my gratitude for you, and my drive to continue learning, writing, growing.

As we say in the biz, any remaining errors are my own.

11 thoughts on “Here at Baylor University

  1. Howdy! It’s great to hear about your new digs and to know that you’ve not gone down with the ship but still float to the top (like the finest of dairy, the cream). Now that you’ve unpacked the blog, so to speak, we will anticipate hearing more from you. Say, can y’all blog with a TX accent yet?

  2. Nice mention of the Tablet PC, from another tablet pc fan and enthusiast from the healthcare side of things and I post a lot about tablets and software too! Education and healthcare really benefit by using tablets.

  3. Welcome to Waco. I think you will find the area is pleasant and the people are good. Even though the students don’t think that about Waco.
    I have heard about the philosophy of teaching and the changes in the way teachers are taught. I look forward to seeing your ideas brought forward through this blog.

  4. You have an email address? if yes, please send it to me? Inquiring minds are wondering about you……

  5. Howdy, pardner – this is your old Va Governor’s School pal Roberta. I’m glad to have found you on the web and that you appear to be doing great !
    Good luck at Baylor – and let’s get in touch.

  6. I think Baylor is very lucky. As an alum and administrator, I’m thrilled. I hope you love it here.

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